According to its Articles of Association, SIDI is a Société en Commandite par Actions (SCA) with variable capital. Because of its legal form, it has two categories of partners:
A General Partner, who is entrusted with management powers by the Shareholders’ Meeting, and ensures that SIDI’s social mission is respected.
The limited partners, who are all the other shareholders.
This status enables SIDI to raise the capital necessary for its activities without calling into question the balance of power within the shareholder base.
The General Partner is SIDI-Gestion SAS, which brings together four of SIDI’s founding shareholders: CCFD-Terre Solidaire and three religious congregations.

The Management Committee, appointed by the Limited Partnership, is responsible for validating the commitment proposals (financial and technical support) prepared by the operational team, and for the management and administration of SIDI.
The Comité de Concertation et d’Orientation, appointed by the limited partnership, is responsible for approving SIDI’s ethical charter and strategic plan, and ensuring that they are respected.
The Supervisory Board, made up of limited partners appointed by the Annual General Meeting, is responsible for overseeing the actions of the company’s management. It submits an annual report to shareholders on SIDI’s financial statements and governance.
Share ownership
SIDI’s broad and varied shareholder base is a guarantee of capital stability. Since the company was founded, shareholders have not paid any dividends, giving priority to SIDI’s social objectives.
Today, SIDI’s shareholders fall into three main categories:
Individual shareholders
Through their number and loyalty, they form the basis of SIDI’s financial independence. Most of them are members of the Epargne Solidarité Développement (ESD) association. ESD’s main mission is to represent its members on its governing bodies, on which it has a statutory seat, and in which it defends its vision of citizen shareholding in the service of international solidarity.
Social shareholders
A number of foundations and NGOs have decided to make patient capital available, with a view to generating positive social and environmental impacts in southern and eastern Europe.
SIDI’s founding shareholders, CCFD-Terre Solidaire and religious congregations, enabled the creation of SIDI in 1983. Even today, CCFD-Terre Solidaire and over 50 congregations and religious institutions contribute to its capital.
Institutional shareholders
French and European Social Solidarity Economy banks share SIDI’s vision of development and participate in its capital to contribute to its project.
Solidarity funds, known as 90/10 funds, must invest between 5 and 10% of their assets directly in government-approved ESUS organizations. SIDI, which has held this accreditation since 2006, has enabled nine funds to subscribe to its capital, thereby indirectly benefiting from the support of tens of thousands of savers, notably through solidarity-based employee savings schemes.

Number of shares by category
to 12/31/2023
from individuals
social shareholders
institutional shareholders