A network of players who share our vision of development

Our solidarity resources guarantee the independence of our actions, but they are limited by nature. To provide the most relevant services to our partners, we take care to work with players who share our vision of development. In addition to the structures that finance our action, several networks enable us to share knowledge and know-how, exchange practices and forge alliances to support our partners financially or technically.


Fair Trade France

Commerce Équitable France is an organization founded in 1997, serving as a platform for consultation and representation for fair trade players in France. Its main objective is to promote fair trade at national and international level in order to support and accelerate ecological and social transitions in modes of production and consumption.


European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP),

The European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP), with over 130 members from various regions and specializations, is the leading network of European organizations and individuals working for financial inclusion in developing countries. e-MFP fosters activities aimed at expanding global access to affordable, quality, sustainable and inclusive financial services for the unbanked and underbanked, by promoting knowledge sharing, partnership development and innovation.



The FAIR collective, born in 2021 from the merger between Finansol and iiLab, works for inclusive finance focused on social and environmental impact in France and internationally. A federator and center of expertise, it brings together more than 130 committed players, offering innovative financial solutions and promoting civic involvement. With over 180 accredited products and more than 20 billion euros in solidarity savings, FAIR is a key player in social impact finance.

Logo cerise sptf


Cerise+SPTF is a partnership between two organizations dedicated to social and environmental performance. We are the driving force behind the Universal Social and Environmental Performance Management Standards, which place people and the planet at the heart of every business decision. Our tools are at the service of those involved in inclusive finance: audits and self-assessments, data management and analysis, technical assistance, working groups, and much more. Cerise+SPTF encourages all stakeholders to take the first step in managing their social and environmental performance. Whether you’re simply curious or committed to improving your practices, we can help you by providing the tools you need.

Impact Europe

The Impact Europe network (formerly EVPA) brings together impact investors who share the goal of creating a positive societal impact by financing the social economy.


European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers (FEBEA)

FEBEA, or the European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks, is an organization of 33 financial institutions from 15 European countries. Its main objective is to promote and develop the principles of ethical finance. finance that is more sustainable and respectful of society and the environment.



The MAIN network, created in 1995, is an international not-for-profit association bringing together various institutions with experience in microfinance and the promotion of micro-enterprises in Africa. It currently has 133 members in 26 countries. MAIN members offer a wide range of financial and non-financial services, positively impacting more than 15.2 million beneficiaries.


Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV)

The Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV) is an international network of organizations and leaders in the banking sector who use finance to serve people and the planet. Its main aim is to make the banking system more transparent and support positive economic, social and environmental change. Founded in 2009 by ten pioneering banks, GABV is today a fast-growing organization with members in over 45 countries, serving 60 million customers, jointly managing over $200 billion in assets and supported by 80,000 employees. SIDI is a supporting partner of this network.


Council on Smallholder Agricultural Finance (CSAF)

The Council on Smallholder Agricultural Finance (CSAF) was founded in 2012 as a forum for investors who support small-scale producers to share their experience to improve their support for agricultural value chains. It now has 20 members and affiliates dedicated to market growth and impact.


Smallholder Safety Net Upscaling (SSNUP)

The Smallholder Safety Net Upscaling (SSNUP) program managed by ADA Microfinance aims to increase the productivity and resilience of small-scale farmers in Asia, Africa and Latin America by promoting risk management and sustainable, climate-smart agricultural practices.

See also

Governance and shareholding