SIDI’s social mission
We give priority to populations that are excluded from traditional economic and financial circuits, in particular rural populations, women and young people. That’s why we support partners promoting financial inclusion or operating in agricultural sectors.
We achieve this through our innovative financing model, in which shareholders and savers contribute appropriate resources, with the sole requirement that SIDI generate a positive social and environmental impact.
We stand out both for our targeting
and the resources we deploy.
Key figures
of the portfolio invested in sub-Saharan Africa
compared with an average of 11% for other microfinance investors, according to the report published by Tameo, to which SIDI contributes.
of partners are located in countries vulnerable to climate change
according to the World Risk Index / United Nations.
of the portfolio in equity investments
Whenever possible, we give priority to equity investment with our partners. In this way, we support them over the long term, sharing the risks they take in their business, and participating in their management.
of our partners target rural areas
more than 50% of their customers are located in rural areas.
partners received technical assistance in 2023
to help strengthen their skills in accounting, management, human resources, etc.
In a nutshell:
We offer everyone the chance to become a committed shareholder
and to use the power he/she has with his/her money to act concretely in favor of a fairer, more inclusive and more respectful society.
We step in where others won’t
We operate in areas considered difficult or at risk, notably in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.
We target fragile partners in difficult contexts
We finance and support players in less developed countries, where living conditions are precarious or vulnerable to climate change.
We give priority to rural areas
In particular, we are targeting the agricultural sector, which is known to have a high risk profile, to enable the creation and development of resilient agricultural sectors.
We support our partners
Beyond financing, we devote the time needed to help our partners make their business viable, and stand by their side in times of crisis.
We support local players
We support local players for whom SIDI is often the first investor.
To best meet the specific needs of each of our partners, we also have two additional levers for action:

The ACTES Foundation
Under the aegis of the Terre-Solidaire foundation.
Created by SIDI, the ACTES Foundation finances technical support projects promoting ecological and social transition, rural finance in isolated areas and social and environmental performance. The ACTES Foundation can also help fragile structures in crisis situations.

The first European fund dedicated exclusively to rural microfinance and agricultural value chains in Africa.
SIDI created FEFISOL in partnership with Alterfin, a Belgian-based solidarity investor. This fund specializes in supporting rural MFIs and producer organizations in Africa. It provides SIDI’s partners with additional financing and technical assistance opportunities. With FEFISOL II, launched in late 2021, the aim is to replicate the success of the first fund, while being even more ambitious in terms of social and environmental performance.